Prject two was a bit rough on me to say the least. With the two almost entirely new software to learn on top of a string of technical issues, I was put to the test to produce a piece of artwork. But, the show must go on! And so for my second project, I projection mapped trippy and awe-inspiring videos and gifs in the site-specific stairwell in the ATLAS building.

There had my visuals dictated by live music—my collaborative partner for this was the lovely and studdly Trevor Jargon, a graduate of the Thompson Jazz program here at CU Boulder and professional bass player.

(He wasn't photographed very clearly, sorry!)
The piece we collaborated with together was an original improvisational song that was supposed to convey a narrative of someone evoking the magic of music. The narrative starts with someone who at first feels frustrated and unsure of what to play; after a spark of inspiration, the begin to play something the provokes the visuals/environment around them to change. Realizing this, they embrace their musical powers and jam out an energetic tune. With this the visuals and environment around them becomes more intense and lively as he plays, evoking a sense of power to music.
The song was wonderfully executed, but I wish most of my visuals had worked. I spent many hours making gifs for the painted eyes in the ATLAS stairwell, and wanted to projection map on them specifically (hence the site-specific aspect to the stairs).

Unfortunately, because of how bright the area was due to the inability to get permission to turn off the lights, none of my gifs showed up. It was quite heart-breaking but I understand that things happen, and I was just glad that I could at least produce something, and also that I got to work with my musical partner in crime.
Can’t wait for the net project however! Now that’s gonna be something more up my alley!~