I have mentally traveled far since my WIP blog post with this piece. I originally thought my four lies would be each part of her face I was drawing, all shown in separate images; the mouth, eyes, nose and hand. After I drew each, I sent them to Maddy, the muse, accidentally in order, so they popped up looking like a face in our messages. I realized it looked kinda cool so I went into photoshop and put each separate drawing together. I colorize them all together, in an aesthetically pleasing way. My original image was the middle image, third row down. After I showed her the final compiled image, Corrina suggested I mess around with making different copies, of these image. I made about 15 different versions by changing the color/opacity/saturation/hue/contrast/HDR/etc... of each separate drawing on the whole. The possibilities were endless.... I changed only one thing between a few of my images because that one change, changed the whole feel of the image. I originally was going to choose four of my favorite and display them together on one page, but then as I was adding multiple to choose which four were best, I realized I liked the look of a bunch together. I decided from here I wanted it to look like a poster, so I added 12 of my favorite so there was a height > width ratio. It took a while to figure out where to put which images, as some of them are almost identical or similar color schemes. I am really happy how the final piece turned out and love being able to see how this piece developed from the original idea.
The meaning behind the piece has developed just as the visual has. I originally was going to go with the idea of my four drawings, the four lies, make up the truth, Maddy's face. As I started making more images I realized how many lies were intertwined with my original truth: Maddy. I traced each part of her face from a different picture of her, the lie being the photograph. Then I took each drawing and made one face. This resembles more of the truth, but it is still a lie, made up of other lies. Then I made different copies of this one image, of which I have no limit. There are endless possibilities of portraying this lie. Each one gets further and further from the truth, though you can still see a glimpse of the truth behind it. I brought Maddy in because she is the ultimate truth, of which can be made into infinite lies.
I hope you all like this piece! I am happy with the way it turned out in message and visually.
Also, I had to compress my photo to post it so the quality is not as good as it can be! Sorry!