For this project I decided to explore the idea of the objects reflecting a history of their interactions with their surroundings. In doing this, I constructed an allegory of a struggling artist on a tight deadline. Each object in his studio would radiate a certain memory described in videoes I would capture and edit to appear hazy or foggy. I then setup camera input into visual DJ software where I would sit in seperate room from the group and perform the actions of the struggling artist.

Originally I wanted to avoid presenting this archetype, but after a realization that the piece just needed some anxiety building noise to give a tone to the work, the allegory could work in its current form. I ran into major issues actually attempting to find videos to represent what I wanted to describe. I ended up capturing the videos myself after I spent a large amount of time searching.
If there was one thing I would change in this piece, I would change a bit of the presentation. I wanted to do more with the canvas and I have several ideas after I had my presentation. Perhaps tearing the canvas or deciding painting some light figure onto the canvas may have been effective in presenting my piece.

Overall I was pretty satisfied with my piece. I believe the piece has more kinks to be worked out but I’m glad I went with a more conceptual piece. I might end up using what I’ve developed conceptually in further pieces to come.