For this research blog I read an article by Oliver Roeder, with Illustration by Matt Dorfman, called “The Blockchain Is Just Another Way to Make Art All About Money”, from the oline publication fivethrityeight.com (https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/blockchain-is-just-another-way-make-art-all-about-money/). While that title is very condemning the article is more of a middle of the road view explaining the current state of the art world and how it is every changing. It starts with an interesting story about a group of artists that went in together to buy a digital copy of a photo for a million dollars. But since this photo is a piece of digital art they only ever going to have an online version of it available that is impossible to copy. It will only every exist online in its original form in one place. I think this is very interesting because it sort of changes the game of digital art. They were trying to make a statement, that not all digital art needs to be put everywhere and most importantly should be free. Its reminds me of how most people think all art should be free, but that isn’t logical. The people that make art need to be paid and need to have value to their pieces in order to build up a name and career. By making this piece only available in one place online makes it so the artist can have more security in their work and a channel for showcasing their work in a protected, almost gallery like setting.