Alexis Robinson
For my project I wanted to focus on the idea of suicide. I really wanted to make this “celebrity” ornidated. Because our society puts actors, athletes, models, etc on this pedestal. We tend to believe they live in this perfect world, and paint this picture of how everyone's life should be. Celebrities set the societal norms. But in all reality these people are just as human as we are. Being judged, faced criticism, and idolized more than a “normal” human being because of her social status. Because there lives are our world, they are not sheltered, everything about them good or bad is publicly known. Which can take extremely tolls mentally and physically to a person to constantly be judging, one mistake and there whole life has has changed in the matter of seconds especially with social media today. It only takes seconds for things to be own. An that's where the suicide part comes in. These people reach a points in there lives that we as outsiders do not know because to us they live the picture perfect lives, the lives everyone wants and thrives for. An these people reach a point to where they believe suicide is there only option because once you take on this lifestyle it's something you take on forever.