I chose the measurement of wealth (money) as my topic for this project. Bitcoin is a hot topic and out of curiosity, I acquired 0.001 bitcoin of my own. After delving more into the world of cryptocurrency, I found some interesting perspectives on money-- specifically fiat currency versus crypto. This chart was linked on the bitcoin subreddit, showing the traits of money that bitcoin fulfills as compared to other forms of currency.

Seeing this, I started thinking about "true" and "false" currency. This is where the four lies and a truth come in. For many crypto believers, fiat currencies like the US dollar, euro, yen, etc, are a scam. For most people, those currencies are their measure of wealth and many are led to believe that crypto is a bubble that won't last. I also wanted to include a third perspective, a spiritual one inspired by Bible verses on material wealth and money: “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.” Matthew 6:24.
I thought this would be interesting to go with the imagery of the "In God We Trust" on the US dollar bill.

I like this image of the dollar toilet paper which helps to convey the crypto-believer's perception that fiat currency is worthless:

I plan on doing an animation, most likely in video format. Some quick screen recordings I made of what I want to include:

(the interpreter c++ file from bitcoin's open source code)

(real time US debt and money creation from usdebtclock.org)