For this "digi-log collision" project I was thinking of revisiting methods and aesthetics used for an older project I did back in Studio Art 2. I believe it fits the theme of “digi-log collision”. I used physical objects as well as traditional art (analog art) and added in digital effects/animations in the final video. Here are a few examples of what I did and the effect I want to go for in this project (but with fresh and different art material, of course):
Graphite drawing and digital effect animations
This one was completely done digitally (drawn in an art program, effects added in digitally) but it could be argued that it still involved analog methods (using a physical stylus and drawing tablet to create the image).
I still haven’t thought of a solid theme or idea yet to tie the piece together, but I have a bit of a starting point:
(the piano at my house)
I’ve played piano for a long time from my elementary to high school years, but quit before college and haven’t had the chance to play since then. I believe this is another great example of “digi-log collision” by digitally recording sound coming from an analog instrument. I want to try and see if I can record my own piano playing at the beginning of the video, and then pan up to the music rack where it can transition into other parts of the video (animations, drawings, etc) while the music continues throughout.