For the final project, I’ve continued with putting together animations. I have a small TV and several laptops that I can use to display my project. I’ve gone with a theme of self-portraits and want to do a “portrait” showing different sides of myself on each screen.

The small TV

The electronics I plan to use

I put together a collage in the shape of a human head for one of the portraits focused on my entertainment interests and the apps that I use in my daily life. I also recorded a little bit of the beginning of one of my League games which I regularly spend time playing in a group with friends and will be incorporated in this portrait.

To make the collage I clipped many logos and symbols representing different interests of choice onto a layer below in the shape of the head with glasses.
Another one of the portraits I’m including will have some more “surface” qualities like my school major, birth date, and name. The base background I’ll be using to represent a more grim mood: