
Alex Smith

I often find myself drifting off, daydreaming about random things and it would be interesting to show an audience where my mind is at most of the time. I’ll be using an actor/actress in place of me so I can control the projection and the camera, but I plan on projecting videos of the things I tend to daydream about.
Alessandro Pautasso

I’d like to record the projection mapping in a setting like a classroom or just at my desk in my house. The video will open up with my performer studying or paying attention in class then show them drifting off into their own thoughts which is when I will start the performance with the projector. I have to mess around with exactly where I want my video projected. I was thinking of projecting it on my performers forehead as a way to look into their mind. I want to test this idea out first to make sure I like
the way it looks and will make adjustments accordingly.

Nobumichi Asai

Clarins Face Mapping
Alexandra Levasseur
Videos I’m thinking about using;
Drone/dslr footage of places I like to hike with my dog/friends
Video of my dog/friends in said hiking places
Video of snow
Video of skiing
Videos of parties with friends
Videos of home
I won't be doing anything this complex, but here are a few videos that I’ve been looking at for ideas on projection mapping on a human face.