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New Media Art by
Corrina Espinosa
Selected Works
Corrina Espinosa
Soup new media art

Majestic Beasties
Majestic Beasties. This is a phone screen recording of my AR experience at Saddle Brook Park in Arvada.

Cuppy Cake
This is a detail shot of "Cuppy Cake" one of the 8 Majestic Beasts that live at Saddle Brook Park. (GPS based AR)

Popcorn Pidgeon
This is a detail shot of "Popcorn Pidgeon" one of the 8 Majestic Beasts that live at Saddle Brook Park. Pop corn pops out of his back! (GPS based AR)

ETHDenver AR installation
This is a screen recording from my phone of an AR experience I made for ETHDenver, an Ethereum convention.

Captain Bumblebeard
Detail of a 3D animation, ready to go live in the virtual world.

I Can't Be Caged
3D model in preparation for AR experience in progress.

I Can't Be Caged
Detail shot of a test of the AR experience with viewer inside of a cage with mother bird & eggs.

I Can't Be Caged
A detail shot looking directly up in the AR experience. This is a test shot of a work in progress.

Tentacle Butt
An example of a 3D model, Franken Creature made from animal parts, ready to be animated and set loose into the virtual world!

Mouthy Bird
An example of a 3D model, Franken Creature made from animal parts, ready to be animated and set loose into the virtual world!
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