For this Lab, spend some time exploring this list of AI generators. Use the bank of words, phrases and images you created from the last Lab (Random Generators) to use as input. Avoid making your own prompts, and let the serendipity of the universe guide you on your way! Post the outcomes you create on your blog with the name of the AI that you used to generate it for points. The more images and videos that you generate, the more you will have to continue to work with as we work our way through this project. Since the images can be generated so quickly and in so many ways, you should have at least a dozen images on your post. Have FUN!
AI To Try
Craiyon (formerly DALL-E Mini):
A free tool that generates images from text prompts. While it's less advanced than DALL-E 3, it’s accessible and easy to use. Craiyon
Stable Diffusion:
An open-source model that you can use for free through various interfaces. Platforms like Hugging Face’s Stable Diffusion demo or DreamStudio offer free usage with some limitations.
Provides free credits for generating images from text. You can create images and earn more credits through community participation. NightCafe
DeepAI Text to Image:
A straightforward tool for generating images from text descriptions. DeepAI
RunwayML: Offers free access to some of its models, including those for text-to-image generation. RunwayML
Stable Diffusion simple demo - easy to use, not the best images, but great for generating lots really quickly. - offers a free 14 day trial with 4K image possibilities
Bing Image Creator -
Wix - The same wix that you used to make your website, also has AI generators built in that you can try!
Many free features:Â
Artbreeder: allows you to blend and modify images based on text prompts and sliders. Artbreeder
AI Video
NEW: - Free for now, in Chinese but you can type in english. TRY IT before they start charging. :) - also free for now, can use images to start and end prompt.
AI Audio: - Quickly animate a stick figure like drawing! - Quickly animate a portrait - a longer tutorial on making AI vids using disco diffusion - a list of AI video generators to try out