For this piece, I think my biggest failure was the lack of documentation of my set up which came from the fact that I kind of felt pretty rushed when I took down my piece and the whole class was waiting on the next location to go, as well as my lack of explaining my intentions of the piece. My thoughts on the piece before going into the piece were concise and I wrote them down and had all my reasoning but I think when it came to the failure of some of the performance aspects I think I started to panic.
Overall I made this piece with the intention to project this time capsule of the 1950’s, a time I find fascinating because of the culture of the time. I meant to portray this though making the setting with the physical old school lace currants and the slide projector, which I added because I wanted to see more natural movement, and the accessories that went along with that. If I were to take this piece into a gallery I would want more of a set in order for people to interact with. The videos were meant to show the mass produced media of that time what was in distribution, through my research it seems like porn, military related media, media “how to guides”, and commercials where all on the rise. I wanted to represent this strange culture clash of ideas, and how all those ideas don’t really go well together but somehow that is what the American public wanted at the time. I wanted to pin those images against these found images from the same time to see if they matched up with the grand scheme of American of what the media presented as the huge main factors of American life, and what they personal photos, that someone specifically choose to document, and see what the conversation would be when juxtaposing these two ideas.