These LUDD stickers are an example of a anti-digital aesthetic: rather than have the digital world disrupt the analog world, these analog stickers are meant to disrupt the digital world. By hindering interaction with the hardware, the digital world is basically useless to us (at least until you peel it off).

LUDD refers to the Edward Ludd and the Luddites of the 19th century. The Luddites were known for smashing industrial machinery with hammers to protest the new modes of production.

Today's Neo-Luddites, much like their 19th century counter-parts, stubbornly, and childishly, resist technological progress. These stickers are meant to play a similar role; they are just a silly annoyance that serves only to inconvenience technological progress. However, that mild annoyance is enough to make the victim think about how and why they are using the tech.

Everything is completely hand-made. I drew the icon by hand, hand-carved the stamp, and hand-cut the stickers. No computers were involved in my making process. The hand-made aesthetic is very crude when compared to the crisp, machined technology it's in conflict with.

Digi-log Collision Diagram
Analog Sticker ---------------------> Digital Tech
(a very literal collision)