For this project I did a fan animation tribute to the new champion rework of Irelia, from League of Legends, a champion known as the blade dancer. I created animations inspired by the champion and reused existing animations released with the rework for the video. The audio is cut from a piano instrumental of the champion’s theme music. The video’s focus is on the blades and its movement to go with the “blade dancer” concept.
Map of the project’s movement:
digital vector of blade -> analog plasma cut of blade -> analog painting of blade -> digital picture of blade -> digital touch up of blade -> analog pencil drawing of blade -> digital animation of process
analog pencil drawing of emblem -> digital animation of emblem
analog pencil drawing of champion -> digital touch up of champion -> digital art and animation of champion
analog piano -> analog hands playing piano -> digital recording of music -> digital editing -> digital piano music from synthesia
Vector done in Adobe Illustrator
Blade after coming out of the plasma cutter
Pictures of blade after using silver spray paint
Pencil drawing of emblem and Irelia
Login Screen
Synthesia piano of theme song