This project unfortunately became an unfinished piece or rather, it is a work in progress illustrion for a bigger, better presented piece at the moment. Either way, I will keep working hard this semester to actualize my idea, so for now take the work as you will.
My intent is to falsify a person from creating a 3D model of a woman and posing her as a potential single on Tinder. I want to evoke the conversation of the relationship between society's perceptions of beauty and the ways in which we use technology to address that kind of beauty's fleeting nature. I also want to create a conversation about how people react to my technological imposter: Can we tell it is not human? Do we care? what does this say about our standrards of beauty? Our standards of companionship?
Lastly, the four lies are the first four graphics that contain the false person, and the truth is the end image of a real person matching with my creation.