Basic Hot Keys:
G - Move, + X, Y, Z axis (add a number to move a certain amount of units)
S - Scale, + X, Y, Z axis (add a number to move a certain amount of units)
R - Rotate, + X, Y, Z axis -90 degree, etc.
E - Extrude
A - select all, AA - deselect all
Shift D - duplicate, + X, Y, Z axis
x - delete
tab - edit mode/object mode
hold down option to select multiple edges/faces in a row.
**Always add objects in object mode
**Edit them in Edit mode
Add > mesh - where add your shapes.
Ctrl R - loop cut, (scroll to add more lines, double click to cut)
option R,S, or G - resets a pose in pose mode to original
I - iframe menu
command P - opens parent menu
Selection mode is C and esc to get out of it. left click to select and middle click to deselect
In pose mode:
To reset poses to original do this:
ALT or Option R to reset rotation
ALT or Option G to reset location
ALT or Option S to reset size
I is to set keyframes (location, rotation, scale)
right click to copy and paste a pose, don't forget to select the bones you want.
Populare Nodes:
Things we went over in class:
Image Texture
Color Ramp
Others to try:
Noise Texture
Hue, Saturation, Brightness
The donut tutorial is worth trying to improve your Blender skills:
Start with part 1, and go from there:
Where we stole free Blender materials:
How to Export:
File > export > GLTF 2.o > change FORMAT to EMBEDDED > open up the animation tab and make sure everything in their is clicked, > name it > make sure you know where it's going > click ok export and it should go!
How to add an image texture:
coming soon
Rigging & Animating:
To rig begin in object mode.
Go to edit > preferences > add ons > search "rigify," and check the box when you see it.
Now go to add > bone. You will see your bone added (or not if its behind your object)
on the right hand side you can select "viewport display" and check "in front" and you should be able to see the bone now.
select the bone and hit Tab to enter edit mode.
*In edit mode, create a bone structure by hitting, E (on joints) to extrude a new bone, G to move joints and bones around, S to resize bones, command D to duplicate bones, R to rotate bones-- until you have a nice bone structure set up.
When your bone structure is all set up hit Tab to go back into Object mode.
Now Hold down shift to select all the parts of your creature, then select the bone structure last.
You will know you are doing it right if all the parts of the body are lit up orange and the bone structure is lit up lighter orange.
Now hit command P > automatic weights
hit AA on your keyboard to deselect everything, and select only the bone structure. Switch to Pose Mode.
Now move, rotate or scale the bones and your body should move with the bones. If you don't like how the bones are moving the body, you can either try to edit the boned in Edit mode to make your bone structure better (sometimes adding more smaller bones can be helpful) or you can do weight painting (look up a tutorial).
In Pose Mode set your time indicator to a place where you want the motion to start. Hit A to select all bones, or just select the bones you want it to effect.
Hit I on your keyboard to open up the keyframe menu.
select the type of keyframe you need (generally Rotation, location, scale)
next move your time indicator to the time you want your motion to end.
move the bones into the position do want.
Hit I on your keyboard to open up the keyframe menu.
select the type of keyframe you need (generally Rotation, location, scale)
Repeat until you have the desired motion.
Skinning with image texture:
Go to shading
Click beach ball at bottom of screen
Select material
Add, search, image texture
Connect color to base color
Connect alpha to alpha
Click picture in image texture box
Go to UV editing
Square up
A select all on right side
Right click
UV unwrap and project from view
Go to left side A to select all
Material preview beach ball on right side
Turn off overlay two balls in top right
export as GLB or GLTF
option to check "visible" and "apply modifiers"

preview your model at